I remember the days when I used to love posting stuff in this site. For nostalgia's sake, after more than a year, I logged into this account again and browsed through all the posts I had since 2006 (which I've all unpublished). It made me cringe when I saw how my writing was! While I had plenty, they looked like they were just written for the sake of having something to post each day. They were painfully very lengthy, incoherent and outright boring! I also used to love to write stuff about my friends, and the things we did together. I kind of looked like I was a really clingy (and cheesy) person; someone who would try to hold on to things, people, events that made me feel happy and special -- and I used this site to immortalize them. As I grew older, this was a part of me that kind of just faded, and as they paled away, so did my diligence in coming up with my so-called "blog post of the day".

I've also had stuff about things which were not really about me, but mirrored my interests and personality, although those were the rare kinds. After all, it's easier to write about what happened on a particular day rather than thinking about a topic and try to talk about it expertly.

So why am I saying this? Short answer, I want to bring this site back. For what reason? I'm not so sure.

All I know is I used to be known as someone who writes a lot, and I wish to bring this passion back. Over the past few years when I haven't been diligently writing, I underwent several career and personality evolutions, and I really wonder how those events would change my style and the topics that I can talk about. Yes, it sounds self-centered, but it is what it is.

For now, the site name remains. I'm still thinking on whether I should change it. And I really love the cute cartoon of myself with the hair burning.


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